UX/UI Design
January 2024
Project Vision
Leaf Camping is a camping deticated app with the main focus of selling essentials. It also helps users to plan their trips with a personalized guide, possible by taking a quick quiz that will present users a recommended location based on their choices, including also essential recommendations on the app’s shop.
a) Make a visual appealing product with a simple design.
b) Create a user friendly product with a simple navigation.
c) Create a “one way” experience, where the user can start and end their task with a single run.
Define the goals
With the help of an affinitty diagram, I started to list some features that the product could include, that could give a reason for users to use the app. After listed some features I organized them in 3 topics, accessibility, help and engagement, and at the beggining those were the 3 main points that the product would focus in.
Meet the Users
Based on the 3 goals created in the past research, I created 2 different User Personas, imagining what type of users would use the app and would be their goals and problems.
After creating the personas, I created two goal statements to clarify the goals that I would need to follow during the process.
Goal Statement 1:
Our camping app will let users go prepared for their camping experience which will affect people choose and buy the products they need by giving them recommendations and the ability to buy in app the essentials they need.
Goal Statement 2:
Our camping app will let users prepare their camping experience which will affect how people choose camping destinations and get to know the essentials they need by giving recommendations based on certain factors like number of participants, how many days, their goals, etc...
User Journey
With the goals well defined, I draw a user journey based on the main task the users could take, taking our quiz planner to get a personalized trip recommendation including some essentials that could be bought in the app’s shop. All this in order to know what screens should I create in the next steps.
Sketches and Wireframes
Home Page
Planner Quiz
For this project I also created a visual identity, where I used 3 elements to guide me while building the logo, a leaf, a tent and ramification, all of them are connected to camping, and this “ramification” theme refers to the steps you take while taking the quiz, where each answer you choose will guide you through a differente path to a final destination recommendation.